It's finally time to say Hello! to one another as we begin our first round of SAGE classes at each school. I'm "itching" to get going with each group -- new faces, new grades, and a few new ideas and lessons at each grade level.
We'll begin the year with some fun collaborative problem solving activities at each grade, some setting up of our classroom expectations and group norms, an online survey* of each student, and we'll look ahead to what's in store for us as we embark on another year of SAGE.
Here's a link to the 4th grade brainteaser we'll tackle together that first day. Let me know what you think. Can you figure out the MYSTERY of how Robin knows the gift you've chosen?
In future updates, I'll give you general information about the work we're doing in each class, as well as information relative to the program, and even some opportunities that are available for you parents.
Let's get a move-on and get things started!
Ron Ciraulo
* Information recorded on each student's individual survey is sent directly to me, and is not viewable by anyone except myself and your child. The overall results are also automatically assembled into a format that I can easily share with students in pie charts and bar graphs to discuss why we have the SAGE program.